Part 14: Page 14
What a coincidence that I just happened to have a glass cutter!
The newly cut pane of glass falls to the counter. Apparently, Vohaul doesn't seem to notice.

>climb in vent
You wiggle your slim carcass through the vent.
I know a jazz musician named Slim Carcass.

>look around
Judging from those two hoses coming in from outside, you guess that this is the inner workings of Vohaul's life support system. A respirator pumps oxygen into his lungs while a pump on the back wall forces blood through the filters.

>read sign
The Sign says "CAUTION : Press Button For Emergancy Shut Off."
>push button
Way to go, Son of Bug Jug! You've just disconnected Sludge Vohaul's life support system! He's a goner without it.
He should've had it say "Do not push!"

And they said that Son of Bug Jug couldn't beat up a cripple on life-support.
I probably shouldn't try to go smaller, but when am I ever going to have this opportunity again?

By already being in a miniaturized form and setting the beam to reduce, you are now too small to exist. That wasn't too swift on your part. Too bad.
Okay fine, I'll rebigulate.

Maybe he meant to write SSRI as reminder to up his dosage?

I'm sure if I just let it go somebody else will take care of it.

FINE... I'll save the world. Strangely enough, typing in "TITS" works just as well.

A section of the glass tubing has fractured from combined stress. The pressurized atmosphere rushes for the relative vacuum of space.
Due to the effect of the air rushing by you to get out the hole, the air in your lungs is sucked out and you find it impossible to get more. Hence you struggle, but die. You only had 228 points anyways. No big loss.
Boy, that sure... (wait for it)... SUCKED... Heh heh heh.

Will YOU be my friend?
Any curiosity you may have harbored regarding the menacing, metallic pest will now be satisifed as you have drawn too close. Your attention is attracted to a decal on the front of the machine. It says "The Vohaul Marrow-Matic". This rouses your curiosity.
Suddenly you note that every bone in your body feels as if its been transformed into molten matter. Never slow to catch on, you notice that you are now cooking form the inside out! This is a pain that lingers!
Every drop of moisture is purged from your system due to the intense heat of the internal barbecue. Your dehydrated compostion makes it impossible to continue. Better luck next time, Son of Bug Jug.

The robot has apparently decided that it is permissable for you to be here since you are in the escape vehicle already.
Warning! Escape vehicle emergency launch has begun!

And that's the end of that chapter. (tosses scarf around neck)

>open chamber
You turn back the plexiglass cover.
>get in chamber
You make the split second decision to enter the sleep chamber. It seals automatically.

A nice long rest, and a blowjob.

No problemo.

The end
For now
See you all in Space Quest III!